Although the weather is a little grey today here in Aberdeenshire, with the sun due to return tomorrow, now is a great time to capitalise on the remaining summer sunshine with some refreshing salads.
We have added three fantastic salad ideas to our Recipes section: click on the images to dive in.
A modern salad is now so much more than simply lettuce, tomato, cucumber and coleslaw. Now is the time to start eating al fresco on those warm summer days and evenings, and really enjoy salads that are packed with flavour, colour, and most importantly – vital nutrients.
Over the next few days, we will be showing you some innovative ideas for the salad table that will really impress your friends and family.
Combined with the Vertegrow ranges of micro herbs, baby cresses and tender leaves, you can add a real touch of elegance to these fabulous salads and cold dishes.
Vertegrow make your life easier by providing ready-to-go ‘mix packs’ to use as ingredients in your salads and sandwiches, or to add a splash of colour and freshness when garnishing. We will provide you with all the tips and information you require to make every meal a real occasion.
At Vertegrow, we provide ourselves in the very best and freshest produce. Our Plant Scientist, Iain is always on hand to ensure the highest quality, yield, and flavour from all of our crops.
We grow hydroponically in a purpose-built vertical tower in Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. By growing in this way, we reduce our carbon footprint, supply locally, and our crops are ‘clean’ – no nasties in the soil and no pesticides. We can extend the life of our crops and grow to the very highest standards all year round – providing you, our customers with the very best quality for money.
With our consultant chef Baz Nichols, we have created these salads to be assembled as easily as possible. We have only outlined guideline amounts and ingredients, so that you can have a play around and try different ideas using your favourite foods, and adjust the amounts depending on how many you are feeding.
If placed into a sealed container in the fridge, these salads will last 2-3 days. If you leave them in the fridge “undressed” this will extend their life – dressings can be chilled and added 10 minutes before serving.
Vertegrow products are best kept in the fridge and rinsed with cold water, then drained before use.
Salads are always more flavoursome if served at ambient temperature to bring out the natural flavours and sugars. Any salads with added dairy or protein products should be kept refrigerated.